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Welcome to Karthik Research Group

CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi, India

Our research aim is to explore the fundamental understanding of the charge transportation at interfaces in the molecular systems for the development of atomic or molecular electronics. Most commonly, in charge transport applications, the ionic or electronic properties of materials used can be modified solely by chemically. Indeed, the ion/electron conducting materials for enhancing the charge transport characteristics are determined not only by the chemical modifications, but also by the intermolecular aggregated structures that they form, such as the degree of chain packing and molecular ordering. Hence, manipulation of individual molecules as functional building blocks are considered to be an essential part for developing next-generation electronic devices.


Based on these concepts, we have two major thrust research areas towards future technologies:

       1. Polymer-based resistive switching devices for future information devices

       2. Nanoionics for high performance energy storage devices.


Controlling of charge transport on the quantum level can expose new strategy in the development of atomic-scale devices with ultralow power consumption and high-speed operation. When the device architecture scaled down to a characteristic nanoscale, the quantum phenomena becomes more pronounced. Significantly, the conductance of nanoscale-devices could exhibit discrete quantized states when the lateral dimension of the conduction pathway is comparable to the Fermi wavelength (λF). In general, the device conductance is articulated as integer multiples of G0, where G0 = 2e2/h corresponds to the conductance of a single-atom point contact (‘e’ is the electron charge and ‘h’ is Planck’s constant). Such quantized conductance is a well-known phenomenon, that has been available in a wide range of materials and systems. Nevertheless, conductance quantization in electrochemical metallization memory systems (ECM) due to the confined redox-reaction is of great interest, not only because of the opportunity it offers for investigating ionic and electronic transport for atomic contact, but also due to the potential benefit in the development of multilevel memories, quantum information processing, logic circuits, and neuromorphic systems, etc,.

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